Healing and Deliverance

Testimonies from the ministry of Real Touch of Heaven for the Glory of Jesus Christ.

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JESUS announced His visitation and HEALED THE CANCER OF THE PROSTATE

Libor was diagnosed with prostate cancer. After three weeks, he came to a meeting where he received prayers and a prophetic word, saying that Libor "would be visited by Jesus tonight and spoken to." Libor took hold of the word in faith and it did indeed happen! Jesus visited Libor and healed him of his cancer! Libor subsequently had a blood test - a borderline prostate test. Index in Libor's age is between 2 and 3 µg/l, Libor's result after God's visitation was an amazing 0.3 µg/l ! Praise Jesus!

An enlarged prostate under the power of God. A word of knowledge led to the easing of years of trouble.

During the ministry meeting, the word of knowledge "prostate" came up. Roman came forward and shared that he was struggling with an enlarged prostate. He then received prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit for prostate reduction. After two months, Roman testifies that there has been improvement in his prostate as well as a lessening of his discomfort - after 10 years! Praise Jesus!

Jesus desired to set her free! She has 100% more energy after prayer.

The Holy Spirit pointed to Iva during a ministry meeting and immediately revealed the demonic oppression He wanted to rid Iva of. Iva did not share anything about the loss of energy, but in faith she accepted this prayer in the power of the Spirit. At the next meeting, Iva joyfully testified that she had 100% more energy since the prayer! That is, as much as she had approximately 9 months ago! The enemy came with his oppression to rob Iva, but Jesus came that Iva might have life and have it abundantly! Glory to Jesus!

The ANGEL OF THE LORD anointed her knee. Her colleagues wonder that she's healed so quickly.

Petra requested healing from severe knee pain and abrasions due to a fall. During the prayer, a prophetic vision came as an angel anointed Petra's knee. Six days after the prayer, Petra testifies of her complete healing not only from the scrapes, but especially from her very painful knee. Petra is now able to walk without pain, and has even cycled 5 km! According to her, her colleagues at work do not understand how she can be healed so quickly. Thank Jesus!

God's grace in action: Bladder PAIN HAS GONE!

Teresa joyfully testifies how she was miraculously healed of bladder pain at a past Real Touch of Heaven ministry meeting. Because of this healing, Teresa was able to go skiing the next day, where she was able to see a rainbow in the sky for a long time. The Lord chose Teresa and used this situation to enable a friend to come closer to Jesus. To Him be the glory!

JESUS returned his smile: ALERGY, HAY FEVER and years of FACIAL PAIN HEALED!

After 6 months, Bernard shares what Jesus has done for him through prayers at a previous Real Touch of Heaven ministry meeting. Jesus healed him of his allergies and hay fever! The second testimony is the healing of a nagging facial pain that had been bothering Bernard for about 2 years. Nothing worked for him, but the power of Jesus Christ did! Now he can even laugh normally, which he could not do before without pain. Thank God!

God's power freed her from oppression and healed her skin

Renata asked for prayer for skin problems (itching, peeling). During the prayer the word of knowledge of the witch attack came and then a prayer against it was said. Renata confirmed that witchcraft, in the form of manipulation in the family, had indeed been exposed. At the next meeting, she testifies that the condition of her skin is better and the uncomfortable pressure in her chest that she was experiencing before has also gone! Thank Jesus!

JESUS HEALED HIM from his milk allergy. The outpouring of GOD'S LOVE for the whole FAMILY.

Little Johnny had a milk allergy for months and had to avoid dairy products. He was given a special diet for kindergarten. He was with his family at a Real Touch of Heaven meeting where he received prayer in the prayer room. His parents accepted the healing by faith and slowly started giving him dairy products. Now his mom shares that Johnny is eating almost all dairy, drinking milk, and with no subsequent allergic reactions! Praise Jesus!

HEALING OF THE LUNGS BY DIVINE POWER. No more annoying coughs and weakness!

Iva had complicated pneumonia, she was coughing a lot and she was not feeling well. Because of Lyme disease, she was taking antibiotics that were causing her problems. The doctors didn't know what to do with her and did many tests. In faith, however, she came to a meeting where she received a prayer in which the spirit of sickness was banished. Three weeks later, Iva testifies that she had a follow-up x-ray and is fine! She feels well and is almost free of the debilitating cough. Thank you Jesus!

Healed from abdominal pain while watching a live broadcast

Marketa watched, on her mother's recommendation, the January live broadcast of Real Touch of Heaven via YouTube. During the meeting, when there were mass prayers for her abdominal area, she felt the power of God in her belly and "something fell out." Since then she has been completely healed, can eat breakfast normally, and does not have to go to an uncomfortable medical appointment. Thank you Jesus, this is Your work!

Golden STAPH is DEFEATED! Healed through the word of knowledge.

During the mass prayers at the meeting, the word of knowledge "golden staph" was heard. Only Jesus knew that Janka, who had really struggled with this bacteria, was in attendance! Janka accepted the healing by faith and the very next day after the meeting she saw the very unpleasant symptoms of the infection (sore throat, stomach, muscles, joints, ...) recede! In the end, she did without antibiotics and even her doctor wondered how it was possible that she was healed so quickly! Glory to Jesus!

The cloud of God's glory healed him! Before prayer he could hardly move, now he's back on pain meds.

Misha had been experiencing pressure at work for a long time. In the evening she joined the meeting, but due to the accumulated difficulties she had trouble perceiving the meeting and wanted to leave. However, Jesus is incomparably more powerful than any attack of the devil. The Holy Spirit pointed to Brother Nigel from India, to whom He let a prayer against spiritual oppressions of the people present. During this prayer, Mischa experienced deliverance and encountered the Lord Jesus! Praise Him!

God's word healed her hip pain! The confession of God's Word has great power.

Iva testifies to the healing of her hip, which had been painful for months. In addition to the prayer in the main broadcast, she received a personal word in the prayer rooms that she was not to confess that she was sick, but to confess the opposite and God's word about her healing. Iva took this to heart and now testifies that "it all went away." Our words have tremendous power! Thank Jesus!

THE YEARS OF FATIGUE are OVER: free from fatigue syndrome

Hanika testifies how 2 months ago in the prayer room of this ministry she was freed from the fatigue syndrome that had been causing her great difficulties for several years! In her own words, this is "a great change for her and she is experiencing great joy." Hallelujah!!! The testimony of what Jesus had done was borne by the anointing of God that was released upon the entire congregation. If the same issue concerns you, receive your deliverance by faith! Thank Jesus!

She couldn't move, she can go cross-country skiing after prayers!

Denise shares how after praying in the Real Touch of Heaven ministry she was completely healed from previous very serious health problems (she could hardly move after the vaccination). However, she trusted Jesus and after prayer from her pastor, the problems gradually began to disappear! However, she still had health problems. But now she shares her testimony that because of Jesus she can cross-country ski! Praise Him!

The cloud of God's glory healed him! Before prayer he could hardly move, now he's back on pain meds.

John was completely healed after prayer at the last meeting. His back hurt so much that he had to go to the emergency room and was given medication. But the Lord supernaturally healed him. The testimony shows John's faith - he was sure he would be healed! The Lord honored that faith with a wonderful miracle. Hallelujah!

JESUS REVEALED the problems with the blood and HEALED it completely!

While praying for Mary, a word of knowledge came about the need for the healing of the blood. Only afterwards did Mary talk about her health condition - six months ago they found a carcinogenic tumor in her intestine. The tumor was removed, but she still had cancer markers in her blood. Three days later she had new tests which showed that her blood was completely clear! So Marie does not have to take any chemotherapy or have radiation. Jesus has completely healed her!

Reduction of tinnitus after praying in Jesus' name.

Robert received a prayer for healing of his hearing at a meeting of the Touching Heaven ministry. He had problems with tinnitus and hearing loss. At the next meeting he gave a testimony of significant improvement in his hearing - his tinnitus is less and he can hear better overall! Praying in Jesus' name has great power! Glory to Jesus!

She can finally open her mouth! She's forgotten the pain.

Erika had problems with extreme jaw pain for months, she could not even open her mouth properly. She came to the Touch of Heaven meeting where she received prayer. At the next meeting, she testifies of a great change. About a week after the prayer, she could open her mouth and then even forgot about the problem - there was a significant change in her condition and a decrease in pain. Jesus is the Healer and to Him belongs all the glory!

High blood pressure healed by the power of Jesus. Headaches and heart pain are gone!

Martina came to the prayer meeting to pray for specific things, but Jesus also gave her what she had not asked for. After the meeting, she came home and years of high blood pressure problems were gone! From that day on, her severe headaches and heart pain disappeared! She also had trouble staying employed because of these problems, for which even the prescribed medications did not help. Jesus is the true Healer.
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